- Augmented Lagrangian methods for degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations, with N.Igbida and V.T.Nguyen. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations. HAL Link-Journal Link.
- Continuous Lambertian Shape From Shading: A primal-dual algorithm, with N.Igbida and V.T.Nguyen. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. Journal Link.
- Beckmann-type problem for degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations, with N.Igbida and V.T.Nguyen. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. HAL Link-Journal Link.
- Quasi-convex Hamilton–Jacobi equations via limits of Finsler $p$-Laplace type operators, with N.Igbida and V.T.Nguyen. SIAM J. Math. Anal. HAL Link-arXiv Link-Journal Link .
- Tug of War games and PDEs on graphs with applications in image and high dimensional data processing, with Y.Quéau and A.Elmoataz. Scientific Reports. Journal Link.
- A primal-dual algorithm for computing Finsler distances and applications, with Y.Quéau and A.Elmoataz. Calcolo. Journal Link-View-Only Version.
- Robust risk management via multi-marginal optimal transport, with Q.Mérigot, L.Nenna and B.Pass. J. Optim. Theory Appl. arXiv Link-Journal Link.
- Prediction-Correction Pedestrian Flow by Means of Minimum Flow Problem, with N.Igbida and G.Jradi. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS). HAL Link-arXiv Link-Journal Link.
- Stochastic Monotone Inclusion with Closed Loop Distributions, with J.Fadili and H.Attouch. Evolution Equations and Control Theory. HAL Link-arXiv Link-Journal Link.
Ongoing works
- Quasivariational approach for the obstacle HJ equation.
- HJ on metric random walk spaces.
Master’s thesis
- On Multi-Marginal Optimal Partial Transport PDF, under the supervision of Q.Mérigot.